Dermatica - 6 Month Review And Top Tips

Georgie's Corner Dermatica

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So before I get into it, I think it’s probably best to explain a bit how Dermatica works as it is quite a unique and wonderful service. Basically, it is an online dermatology service where you can tailor your prescription to work on your individual skin care concerns. You fill in a skincare questionnaire, the dermatology team will then determine the optimal evidence-based treatment for your skin, and arrange its delivery direct to you each month. Your treatment comes with directions on use, and the Dermatica website allows you to upload photos of your skin and track how your treatment is going. The customer service team are absolutely exceptional, any concerns I’ve had or questions have been answered so quickly, nothing is too much trouble for them.

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I began my Dermatica journey around 6/7 months ago now, and the changes I’ve seen are absolutely incredible. I turned 30 in October, and decided that it was time to start amping up the anti-ageing products I use on my skin. My treatment is tretinoin/ niacinamide which work together to help with ageing of the skin, I wish I could go into more scientific detail but all I know is the combination works a treat on my skin.

There are different options to choose from when it comes to your skin concerns, from acne treatment to dehydrated skin, the beauty of Dermatica is they tailor the ingredients to whatever your skin needs.

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Now let’s get into my top tips when it comes to using Dermatica! As mentioned, I use an anti-ageing treatment so these tips are based on that.

1) Use SPF every single day (rain or shine)

To be honest, this tip goes for if you are using Dermatica or not, but when using tretinoin (a Vitamin A derivative) your skin is extra sensitive and therefore you need to ensure it is properly protected. I plan to do a whole blog post on my favourite SPF’s so stay tuned for that. Factor 30+ every single day, ideally a factor 50 is what you need to be wearing every day.

2) Moisturise Moisturise Moisturise

I cannot express enough the importance of layering up on hydration, I made the mistake of not doing this the first few weeks and my skin was incredibly dry with some peeling. Tretinoin encourages cell turnover, therefore your skin is shedding the old cells at a faster rate. I highly recommend Weleda Skin Food or the Avene Recovery Cream to use 30 minutes after applying your Dermatica treatment to provide that extra layer of moisture

3) Listen to your skin

It can take weeks for your skin to adjust to specific skin care ingredients, and the Dermatica guide you get with your prescription has alternative options if you do start to notice your skin not agreeing with the product. It is very much a case of being patient, monitoring your skin and also utilising the expert team at Dermatica - as mentioned the customer service team are fantastic.

4) Keep it simple

I have a very basic night time routine now with Dermatica, I double cleanse, apply my treatment and then layer on a nourishing moisturiser. I have cut out all exfoliants and active ingredients in the evening as you really don’t want to over exfoliate or irritate the skin.

5) Trust the process

It can take months to notice any notable changes to your skin, as mentioned, patience is very much needed when it comes to any skincare products. Since using Dermatica, my hormonal acne is pretty much non existent, my fine lines are softer, my skin texture is smoother and my skin tone is so much more even. This didn’t happen over night, not even over 4 weeks, but looking back at my skin before, the changes are incredible.

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So there we have it! My 6 monthly check in of my Dermatica journey, I have an IGTV video on my instagram if you’d like to hear a bit more about my early experience with my treatment.

As mentioned, I have an ongoing partnership with Dermatica however I would not be writing this blog post if I didn’t whole heartedly love the brand and have a positive experience to share!

If you’d like to try Dermatica, when using the code - GEOR4 you will receive one month free plus 10% off your second month free. I also have a code for the Azelaic Acid which is code- GEOR8 for 10% off.

Links below for both!

One month free plus 10% off your second month

10% off Azelaic Acid

(These codes are affiliate codes)

I’d love to know your thoughts - have you used Dermatica before?